Calendar of Events - Ohio Music Education Association
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High School Honors Festival for Band, Choir, and Orchestra.  Visit the OMEA District 2 website for more information

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2/15/2025All DayAdam Murray

D12 MS S&E 

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2/15/20258:00am to 5:00pmKirsten Showers

Large Group Orchestra

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Friday pm, Sat daySamantha Schnabel

D3 JH Festival Rehearsal

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2/21/20255:30am to 9:30pmSteve Wimmers

This is the NW Region State Orchestra Large Group Adjudicated Event. Please contact the event chair with any questions.

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3:00pm to 10:00pmMichael Smith

SW large group Orchestra at Stebbins HS

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4:15pm to 10:45pmAmy Hall

D3 JH Festival Rehearsal/Concert

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2/22/20258:00am to 5:00pmSteve Wimmers

Chamber Choir Festival

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2/24/2025Afternoon/EveningMegan Mullins

Refresher and updates to the expectations of Solo and Ensemble Site Chairs.

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2/25/20257:00pm to 8:30pmBill Thomas

February 27 - 28, 2025 - MS Honor Band Event - Mentor HS - Ben Meisel & Katy Allen

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Time information coming soon!Ben Meisel & Katy Skoch

High School State Orchestra
Avon HS - Jesse Martin
Strongsville HS (Overflow) - Andy Hire

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All DayJesse Martin

February 28 - March 1, 2025 - Orchestra Large Group AE- Avon HS or Strongsville HS

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Time information coming soon!Jeff Link

State Orchestra AE

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4:30pm to 11:00pmMegan Aubihl

District 10 will offer 3 junior high solo & ensembles in 2025. Directors can only submit students to ONE site. 

Your registrations determine if we continue running 3 sites!

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3/1/20258:00am to 4:00pmDoug Perry

OMEA District 17 High School and Junior High Large Group Event
Bands and Choirs

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4:00pm 3/8, 8:00am 3/9Callie Barnhouse

District 9 High School Large Group Adjudicated Event

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Friday: 4:30p-10:30p. Saturday: 9:00a-5:00pJonathan Kelsey

District 5 Large Group for Bands and Choirs (HS & Jr. High)

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Friday Evening / Saturday MorningGreg Rezabek

OMEA District 11 Large Group AE Friday and Saturday Bands and Choirs

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Friday Evening/Saturday MorningBrice Henry

OMEA District 11 Large Group AE Friday Band Only Stage

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3/7/2025Friday EveningRonda Stammen

March 7 - 8, 2025 - Band/Choir Large Group AE - Mentor High School

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Time information coming soonSteve Poremba

OMEA District 1 High School Large Group Choir Adjudicated Event 

Sylvania Northview High School
5403 Silica Road, Sylvania, OH

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Friday evening and Saturday morningJeremy Davis

OMEA District 1 High School Large Group Band Adjudicated Event 

Sylvania Southview High School
7225 W. Sylvania Ave, Sylvania, OH

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Friday evening and Saturday morningMatt Shirey

This event will be for bands only. 

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Times TBDJill Wilhelm

High School Large Group, Choir. 

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TBAPaul Bingle

D3 HS Large Group Band/Choir Adjudicated Event (East side)
Registration window opens Friday, January 10th, 2025
Registration window closes Wednesday,  February 5th, 2025 at 5pm.

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8:00am to 10:00pmJaz Bluhm

D3 HS Large Group Band/Choir Adjudicated Event (West Side)
Registration window opens Friday, January 10th, 2025
Registration window closes Wednesday,  February 5th, 2025 at 5pm.

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8:00am to 10:00pmBob Sloan

The 2025 High School District Large Group event will be held on Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th.
Stephanie Smith, Teays Valley, will be the event chair as well as Teays Valley High School will be used as a band site along with Westerville Central High School.
Westerville South High School and Upper Arlington High School will be choir sites.

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4:30pm to 10:00pmStephanie Smith

The 2025 High School District Large Group event will be held on Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th.
Stephanie Smith, Teays Valley, will be the event chair as well as Teays Valley High School will be used as a band site along with Westerville Central High School.
Westerville South High School and Upper Arlington High School will be choir sites.

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4:30pm to 10:00pmMike Porretta

The 2025 High School District Large Group event will be held on Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th.
Stephanie Smith, Teays Valley, will be the event chair as well as Teays Valley High School will be used as a band site along with Westerville Central High School.
Westerville South High School and Upper Arlington High School will be choir sites.

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4:30pm to 10:00pmDarius McBride

The 2025 High School District Large Group event will be held on Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th.
Stephanie Smith, Teays Valley, will be the event chair as well as Teays Valley High School will be used as a band site along with Westerville Central High School.
Westerville South High School and Upper Arlington High School will be choir sites.

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4:30pm to 10:00pmBrandon Moss

Details will go out to OMEA member emails.

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3/8/20253:00pm to 7:00pmChris Ewald

Go to the Adjudicated Events page(s) for more details and registration. The deadline is February 14.

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Friday Evening Saturday MorningKalee Bondzio

Go to the Adjudicated Events page(s) for more details and registration. The deadline is February 14.

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Friday Evening and Saturday MorningHilary Patriok

District 16 Band & Choir Large Group

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TBDJordan price

Hosted at Walnut Hills High School

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All dayBret Albright

Visit the OMEA District 2 website for more information

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TBATravis Magoto

OMEA District 17 High School and Middle School Honor Band

High School Honor Band is Friday beginning at 12:00pm

Middle School Honor Band is Saturday ONLY

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12:00pm to 7:00pmAaron Backes

Site: Winton Woods High School

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3:00pm to 10:00pmDani Ashbrook

D12 HS LG - Bands only

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4:00pm to 5:00pmLaura Buksoky

D12 HS LG - Choirs only

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4:00pm to 5:00pmBrody McDonald

District 10 will run as a pooled site - all performing ensembles will register to perform "at Granville" and will be assigned based on Time Stamp, Proximity, and Availability of slots to one of:

Granville (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Newark (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)
Lexington (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Big Walnut (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)

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4:00pm to 11:00pmJerod Smith

District 10 will run as a pooled site - all performing ensembles will register to perform "at Granville" and will be assigned based on Time Stamp, Proximity, and Availability of slots to one of:

Granville (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Newark (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)
Lexington (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Big Walnut (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)

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4:00pm to 11:00pmLee Auer

District 10 will run as a pooled site - all performing ensembles will register to perform "at Granville" and will be assigned based on Time Stamp, Proximity, and Availability of slots to one of:

Granville (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Newark (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)
Lexington (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Big Walnut (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)

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4:00pm to 11:00pmZak Wilkins

District 10 will run as a pooled site - all performing ensembles will register to perform "at Granville" and will be assigned based on Time Stamp, Proximity, and Availability of slots to one of:

Granville (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Newark (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)
Lexington (Bands Friday, Choirs Saturday)
Big Walnut (Choirs Friday, Bands Saturday)

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4:00pm to 11:00pmCraig Porter

D6 Large Group Choir Site - Friday Night & Saturday Morning/Afternoon Choir

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4:00pm to 5:00pmJohn Pickering

D6 Large Group Site - Band Only Site, Friday Only

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3/14/20254:00pm to 11:00pmTom Chiera

D6 Large Group Site - Band Only Site, Friday Only

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3/14/20254:00pm to 10:00pmDustin Harris

District 8 High School Large Group (Band/Choir)
Lake High School

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5:00pm to 5:00pmMark Tryon

District 8 High School Large Group (Band Overflow Site)
Hoover High School

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3/14/20255:00pm to 10:30pmRon Varn

D6 Large Group Band Site - Friday Night & Saturday Morning/Afternoon Bands

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5:00pm to 10:00pmJason Locher

OMEA's Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Events provide feedback to students performing a Solo and/or Ensemble in front of a judge.  Stay up to date with submission deadlines by referring to the OMEA AE calendar located on the website. Make sure to read the OMEA AE rule book before attending this event.  Don't forget to check your OMEA email for important details about this event.  

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3/22/2025All DayBryce Hopwood

The 2025 District 15 Junior High Solo & Ensemble Events will be hosted on March 22nd at Dublin Scioto High School and April 5th at Logan Elm High School. Andy Doherty and Becky Wagner will be the event chairs

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3/22/20258:00am to 6:00pmAndy Doherty

D3 JH Solo and Ensemble
Registration window opens Saturday, January 25th, 2025
Registration window closes Wednesday,  February 19th, 2025 at 5pm.

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3/22/20258:00am to 10:00pmJohn Stetler

District 5 Junior High School Solo & Ensemble

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3/22/20258:00am to 5:00pmDerrick Kittle

Junior High Solo & Ensemble Festival

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3/22/20258:00am to 5:00pmTerra Moniaci

District 16 Honor Band

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Concert Saturday EveningPaul McCalla

Small ensemble and solo ratings contest for all junior high students in Hamilton and Clermont Counties

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3/29/2025All DayDavid Smith

Middle School Solo and Ensemble Adjudicated Event for District 4 at Lakewood HS

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3/29/20258:00am to 6:00pmDr. Elizabeth Hankins

District 10 will offer 3 junior high solo & ensembles in 2025. Directors can only submit students to ONE site. 

Your registrations determine if we continue running 3 sites!

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3/29/20258:00am to 4:00pmChris Kaschube

Visit the OMEA District 2 website for more information

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3/29/20258:00am to 5:00pmLisa Carbone

District 8 Junior High Solo and Ensemble
Alliance High School

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4/5/20258:00am to 5:00pmCarrie Chunat

OMEA District 17 Junior High Solo and Ensemble

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4/5/20258:00am to 5:00pmNicholas Young

District 9 Junior High Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Event

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4/5/20258:00am to 6:00pmAndrew Ruetz

District 16 Junior High Solo & Ensemble

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4/5/20258:00am to 8:00pmMichelle Turon

District 10 will offer 3 junior high solo & ensembles in 2025. Directors can only submit students to ONE site. 

Your registrations determine if we continue running 3 sites!

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4/5/20258:00am to 4:00pmRiver View

The 2025 District 15 Junior High Solo & Ensemble Events will be hosted on March 22nd at Dublin Scioto High School and April 5th at Logan Elm High School. Andy Doherty and Becky Wagner will be the event chairs

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4/5/20258:00am to 6:00pmBecky Wagner

District 6 Junior High Solo and Ensemble (Conflict Date) - All District 6 Schools

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4/5/20258:00am to 5:00pmGarrett Doty

April 5, 2025 - JH/MS Solo and Ensemble - Mentor Memorial Middle School

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4/5/20258:00am to 5:00pmKacy Reyes

District 1 Junior High Solo & Ensemble WEST

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4/5/20258:00am to 4:00pmChrista Jones

District 1 Junior High Solo & Ensemble EAST

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4/5/20258:00am to 4:00pmMatt Shirey

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