Calendar of Events

Event Type:

February 2025
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
Events available for Registration...

Licking Heights - Marching Band Local
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Philo - Marching Band Local
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Troy - Marching Band Local
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Cambridge - Marching Band Local
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Louisville - Marching Band Local
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Norwood - Marching Band Local
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Rock Hill - Marching Band Local
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The University of Akron - Marching Band Local
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Hilliard Bradley - State Marching Band Finals
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Piqua - State Marching Band Finals
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Medina - State Marching Band Finals
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Piqua - State Marching Band Finals
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Events in the month of February 2025
Small ensemble ratings festival for all high school students in Hamilton and Clermont Counties
District 5 High School Solo & Ensemble
Solo and Ensemble 
OMEA District 10 North Site - Please use this site if possible to help alleviate congestion at Granville!
OMEA District 10 South Site - Before registering, please consider using the North site if the distance is not dramatically different!
D8 Junior High Honors Band and Choir Rehearsal, Performance, and D8 Winter Meeting at Alliance High School
District 1 High School Solo & Ensemble EAST
District 1 High School Solo & Ensemble WEST
2/5/2025 - 2/6/2025
Winter meeting of the OMEA State Board. District Presidents, President-elects, Region Chairs, Chair-elects, and Treasurers are invited. In addition, OMEA Committee Chairs: General Music, Advocacy, Adjudicated Events, OCMEA, Strategic Plan, All-Region Orchestra, Retired Music Educators, All-State Ensembles, and Invited Guests will attend.
2/6/2025 - 2/8/2025

The 2025 OMEA Professional Development Conference will take place in Cleveland from 9:30 AM, Thursday, February 6 - 3:00 PM, Saturday, February 8 at the Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland and nearby hotel properties. The full schedule will be available through the guidebook app in December, 2024. Traditionally, the OMEA PDC is the third largest music conference in the United States with nearly 300 sessions presented by nationally recognized master teachers demonstrating research-based, best practices in the field of music education.

In addition, over 30 performing ensembles will present concerts showcasing the talents of Ohio's students.

Included in the registration fee is access to the largest music trade show east of the Mississippi. Displays and demonstrations by nearly 250 exhibitors from across the United States allow teachers to see the new products available in the music industry.

With a few additional steps, teachers may use their conference experience to earn CEU's (nominal additional registration expense) and graduate level continuing education credit (additional expense) for their licensure requirements.

High School Honors Festival for Band, Choir, and Orchestra.  Visit the OMEA District 2 website for more information
D12 MS S&E 
2/21/2025 - 2/22/2025
Large Group Orchestra
D3 JH Festival Rehearsal
2/21/2025 - 2/22/2025

This is the NW Region State Orchestra Large Group Adjudicated Event. Please contact the event chair with any questions.

2/21/2025 - 2/22/2025
SW large group Orchestra at Stebbins HS
D3 JH Festival Rehearsal/Concert
Chamber Choir Festival
Refresher and updates to the expectations of Solo and Ensemble Site Chairs.
2/27/2025 - 2/28/2025

February 27 - 28, 2025 - MS Honor Band Event - Mentor HS - Ben Meisel & Katy Allen

2/28/2025 - 3/1/2025
High School State Orchestra
Avon HS - Jesse Martin
Strongsville HS (Overflow) - Andy Hire
2/28/2025 - 3/1/2025

February 28 - March 1, 2025 - Orchestra Large Group AE- Avon HS or Strongsville HS

2/28/2025 - 3/1/2025
State Orchestra AE