Calendar of Events

Event Type:

February 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Licking Heights - Marching Band Local
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Philo - Marching Band Local
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Troy - Marching Band Local
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Hilliard Bradley - State Marching Band Finals
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Piqua - State Marching Band Finals
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Medina - State Marching Band Finals
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Piqua - State Marching Band Finals
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Events in the month of February 2024
2/1/2024 - 2/3/2024

The 2024 OMEA Professional Development Conference will take place in Columbus from 9:30 AM, Thursday, February 1- 3:00 PM, Saturday, February 3 at the Columbus Convention Center and nearby hotel properties. The full schedule will be available through the guidebook app in December, 2023. Traditionally, the OMEA PDC is the third largest music conference in the United States with nearly 300 sessions presented by nationally recognized master teachers demonstrating research-based, best practices in the field of music education.

In addition, over 30 performing ensembles will present concerts showcasing the talents of Ohio's students.

The OMEA PDC partners with the Technology Institute for Music Education to provide every teacher in attendance with access to clinics and demonstrations of the latest music education technology. Included in the registration fee is access to the largest music trade show east of the Mississippi. Displays and demonstrations by nearly 250 exhibitors from across the United States allow teachers to see the new products available in the music industry.

With a few additional steps, teachers may use their conference experience to earn CEU's (nominal additional registration expense) and graduate level continuing education credit (additional expense) for their licensure requirements.

Adjudicated event for students to perform and receive feedback.
Adjudicated event for students to perform and receive feedback.
Traditional OMEA Solo & Ensemble event. See the OMEA website rulebook for questions about signups and procedures.
High School Solo & Ensemble for ALL District 6 schools. 
OMEA D12 Elementary Honor Choir Rehearsal
This is an additional honor band rehearsal that wasn't included in the initial D12 JH Honor Band event (not sure if I forgot to include it or it just got left off the calendar)
Rehearsal for upcoming HS honors festival
2/23/2024 - 2/24/2024
This is the NE Region State Orchestra (with district level) event. Please contact the event chairs with any questions. 
HS band/choir/orchestra honors festival
JH Solo & Ensemble @ Licking Heights  - directors can only submit students to either Licking Heights (this event) or River View (April 13)
  • The D2 High School Honors Festival is an annual event hosted at Port Clinton High School for Band, Orchestra, and Choir.
  • Three guest conductors are invited to lead the ensembles.
Deadline to submit Honor Band audition videos for District 16 Honor Band
OMEA District 8 meeting to recap High School Solo and Ensemble.  Did the event work better on 2 different dates?  Thoughts?  Keep the same schedule for next year?  We will meet at 1:00 at Irish Pub in Massillon.  We will have a Zoom link if you are unable to attend.  
2/29/2024 - 3/1/2024
Students in grades 6-9 are selected based on director recommendations into an Honor Choir. Students will practice all day on Thursday and the following Friday right after school. The concert is in the evening on Friday.